Let us rise early and go late to rest, being ever busy and zealous in doing Thy will.
Thomas Arnold
In January 2020 we welcomed the Rev. Doug Hale as our priest-in-charge. Doug came to us from the Episcopal Campus Ministry at the University of Oregon in Eugene. In April 2022 Fr. Doug’s title became Vicar in a Celebration of New Ministry officiated by Bishop Diana Akiyama.
Bishop’s Advisory Committee
The BAC is an elected group that shares the responsibility for oversight of parish life and ministry.
Bishop’s Warden: Laurea Arnoldt
Junior Warden: Sally Glunt
Clerk: Ginny Hall
Members at Large: Gail Pray, Kathy Webb,
Jennifer Mello, Michelle Felkins
Treasurer: Denise Skillman
Church Administrator: Open
Let us clear away all the doubts and concerns that bog us down daily, and make room for joy and love in our hearts.
Denise Skillman