Life’s most persistent and urgent question is, what are you doing for others?
Martin Luther King, Jr.

Each day of each week, month and year our volunteers give generously of themselves. Without the efforts of our many helpers, church wouldn’t happen. A sampling of the many in-house tasks completed by volunteers include:

Worship – ushering, Eucharist assisting, reading of the lessons & the prayers, flower arranging, altar preparing.
Communications – writing for the newsletter, annual report & social media, sending greeting cards.
Financial – preparing the budget and paying bills, raising funds, banking.
Household – taking out the trash & recycling, manicuring the grounds.
Care of Folks – prayer chain praying, transporting non-drivers to and from church.
Bishop’s Advisory Committee (BAC) – making decisions and plans for all aspects of the church – its building and its people.
Community Support– processing food donations, serving Medical Loan Closet clients.
Coffee Hour – making coffee and treats, and last but not least – doing the dishes.

Our Members Also Volunteer Beyond our Doors
Our volunteering doesn’t stop at our doors. As individuals we reach out and serve our greater Bandon community in many ways. Hear what they have to say:
This small town of Bandon is an amazing place, enriched with natural wonders and unbelievable opportunities to learn and grow. Watching the bird colonies, identifying tufted puffins and peregrine falcons on Face Rock, witnessing the birth of a harbor seal, and whale watching from Face Rock are a few great observations. Mary Garrett, Shoreline Education for Awareness
The EAT program provides a hot meal for anyone, but especially people who may not always have enough to eat. Coming out for a meal is a chance for people to socialize. The atmosphere is joyful at EAT. I enjoy the opportunity to participate in the community. It is a fun environment in the kitchen – everyone wants to be there. We give a little time, but hopefully make a big difference for others. Jennifer Mello, Everyone at the Table
I enjoy helping young children have a better chance at succeeding at math – and at life. Tom Glunt, tutor, Ocean Crest Elementary School
I volunteer with the Coos Food Cupboard. In the midst of that is the teamwork that goes on among the volunteers. We have gotten to know each other while we are trying to make a difference in people’s lives. The motivation is to make a difference in the lives of people who are having a difficult time. But it seems that the day-to-day reward comes more from working with other people who are also trying to make that difference. Fr. Doug Hale

I’m honored to be a part of an organization that provides high-quality health care to all. No one is turned away from receiving care with dignity and respect. Volunteering allows me to impact peoples’ well-being by ensuring that needed services are available. This is what being a member of this community is all about! Sally Glunt, NP, Coast Community Health Center
The Bandon Inclusivity Group (BIG) exists to engage Bandon area residents in creating an inclusive, just, and fair community. I’ve become involved serving with the BIG Core Group. I do sense that the people involved in organizations like BIG are promoting God’s kingdom in this world. Jeannie Culp
Bandon’s Crab Derby is great and it’s a really good thing for our community. There’s joy and excitement and it draws people together. Juanita Limon, Crab Derby Coordinator
I volunteer as a chaplain at Bay Area Hospital. In many ways, beyond visiting patients, the important part of this work has been caring for and supporting staff. It is sometimes very hard work that they do. They need to know they can count on each other, including us chaplains. Fr. Doug Hale
The Good Earth Community Garden is an Eden right here in Bandon and a place of community. We teach basic gardening, eat what we grow organically and donate to Bandon Feeds the Hungry programs.
Judy Jackson, Good Earth Garden